Riding motorcycles in high wind conditions is not an easy task. If you are unfamiliar with riding in high winds, you should brush up on our list of tips. At Interstate Cycles, our team has collected the best advice for riding motorcycles safely in windy areas. check out our complete inventory of motorcycles. Visit our location in Lake City, Florida, and serving Jacksonville and Gainesville, Florida. 

Know Your Surroundings

The first step for a safe motorcycle ride is to be aware of the weather conditions of your surroundings. For example, you should know that high winds are more common on open plains, valleys, mountain tops, and near big water sources. If you know that there will be high winds, you can better prepare yourself for your next trip.

As you ride, too, you should be constantly aware of which direction the wind is coming. You can better prepare your riding position once you determine whether you have wind from one direction or blustery, high winds from all sides.

Use the Proper Position

When traveling in different high wind conditions, you should know what position to take for the safest ride. For example, you should pin your arms and legs when in a headwind or tailwind. If you are traveling a road with crosswinds, you should stay loose with your grip and prepare to be blown around. Sit forward on your seat with your elbows raised like you are riding a dirt bike. 

And if you find yourself in very blustery areas, you need to deal with a lot of unpredictable gusts. If you ride with your elbows out and loosely, you will be in a better position to regain control after a sudden gust. 

Provide Room for Error

In the case of big wind gusts, you should try to stick to the middle of the lane. A sudden gust of wind has the potential to knock you off into the ditch or oncoming vehicles. Giving yourself room for error can give you the space to adjust your motorcycle safely.

Take Plenty of Breaks

Riding motorcycles in high wind conditions is a tiring activity. You spend a lot of time altering your position and staying aware of your surroundings. Because you expend a lot of energy, you should also plan lots of breaks to rest your body and mind. 

Riding in high winds takes practice and patience to get used to the different forces working against you. Our team members can offer even more tips for a successful ride in any weather. Come to Interstate Cycles at our location in Lake City, Florida, serving everyone from Gainesville and Jacksonville, Florida, too.